
Alright, let’s gab about this Jim Bones Mackay fella and how much dough he’s got. They say he’s worth a whole heap, like five million dollars! Can ya believe it? That’s a lot of chickens and pigs, let me tell ya.
Now, how’d he get all that money? Well, he ain’t no doctor or lawyer, that’s for sure. He’s been luggin’ them golf bags around for years, caddying for them fancy golfers. That’s how he made his pile.
See, these caddies, they get a bit of money just for showin’ up, ya know, a salary. And then, when their golfer wins, they get a cut of the winnin’s. Like, if the golfer wins a big ol’ pile of money, the caddy gets a little piece of it, maybe five or ten percent. That adds up, lemme tell ya. Especially if you’re caddying for someone good, like that Phil Mickelson fella he used to work with. Heard tell there was some fuss about money between them two, somethin’ about nine hundred thousand dollars! That’s more money than I ever seen in my life!
- Jim’s been doin’ this caddy thing for a long time.
- He worked with Phil for ages, and they won a bunch of tournaments.
- Then he caddied for Justin Thomas for a bit.
But now, he ain’t caddying no more. Seems like he’s talkin’ on the TV now, bein’ a broadcaster for golf. Guess he got tired of luggin’ them bags around. Can’t say I blame him, my back hurts just thinkin’ about it.
Now, this fella wasn’t just born with a silver spoon in his mouth, no sir. He worked hard for his money. Up early, out late, travelin’ all over the place with them golfers. It ain’t an easy life, that’s for sure.
Five million dollars, though… that’s enough to buy a whole lotta land and a whole lotta cows. Maybe he’ll buy himself a big farm and settle down. Or maybe he’ll just keep on talkin’ on the TV, earnin’ even more money. Who knows? Rich folks do things different than us, that’s for sure.
I heard tell that regular caddies, they get maybe two thousand dollars a week just for showin’ up. That ain’t bad, I guess. But that ain’t nothin’ compared to what Bones was probably makin’ when he was with Phil and Justin. He was probably makin’ more than the doctors and lawyers in our town!
Folks always askin’ about how much money this person or that person has. I say, it ain’t none of our business. But since we’re talkin’ about it, I reckon Jim Bones Mackay done alright for himself. He worked hard, and he got rewarded for it. Good for him, I say. He earned it.

So there ya have it, the lowdown on Jim Bones Mackay’s money. Five million dollars, give or take. That’s a whole lotta money, no matter how ya slice it. He sure did good for himself, lugging them golf bags around. Maybe I shoulda taken up caddying when I was younger, but my back wouldn’t have none of it.
Anyways, that’s all I got to say about it. Five million dollars… imagine that! Makes ya think, don’t it? All that money from carryin’ golf clubs. Well, good for him, I say. He earned every penny of it, walkin’ all them miles and standin’ in the sun all day.
Tags: [Jim Mackay, Net Worth, Golf Caddie, Phil Mickelson, Justin Thomas, Salary, Broadcasting, Career, Earnings]